
NICE releases Medtech Innovation Briefing on calprotectin point of care and home testing for monitoring IBD treatment.

On 4th December 2017 the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence issued a Medtech Innovation Briefing [MIB132]: ‘Point-of-care and home faecal calprotectin tests for monitoring treatment response in inflammatory bowel disease’. This describes the innovative aspect that test results can be acted on more quickly than waiting for standard laboratory tests and could help reduce colonoscopies and clinical appointments. Costs may…

Mary OConnell

Bringing Calprotectin Testing In-house on the Abbott Architect C8000

Mary O’Connell née Deasy, Biochemistry Department Mercy University Hospital Cork, Ireland describes her experience introducing the BÜHLMANN fCAL turbo assay onto her department’s Abbott Architect C8000. At the Biochemistry Department at Mercy University Hospital (MUH) in Cork we had been sending samples for faecal calprotectin testing away to a referral laboratory for analysis. This referral laboratory…